Mar 22, 2014
Prior Park benches
The National Trust commissioned 3 big curved benches featuring lines of Alexander Popes poetry cared into the surface.This was part of an award-winning re-interpretation of the site .Crispin, on the right in the photo, cut the wood. David, in the middle, made the benches and I carved the lettering.
Nov 20, 2013
Autumn colours, Mexico style
Lovely commission recently, from talented painter and illustrator Corinna Sargood, to carve a frame that she would then paint featuring many of the glorious plants and animals of Mexico that she knows well. Here's how it looked in my workshop and, later, in full colour:
Oct 1, 2013
Rustic house sign
Enjoyed carving this house sign and pleased to say the owner is happy with the end result. She emailed me to say:
"Just to say received my house sign and it is absolutely lovely - thanks so much i love it. It is going to be hung between 2 trees and will look fantastic."
This lettering type is called Strayhorn and is named after a jazz pianist.
Sep 12, 2013
As You Like It
Here's some lovely oak capitals that I worked on with Laurence Beckford that are destined for Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London. Some more work yet to do on this project and I noticed on their website that they are already taking bookings for shows in the new indoor playhouse there so, as Macbeth may say : "Come what come may, time and the hour run through the roughest day"
Jul 18, 2013
Genius at work
Charlie is caught carving an appropriate bit of lettering. It's part of an Alexander Pope quote that Charlie carved onto a set of gorgeous new benches for the National Trust's Prior Park. Credit for making the benches themselves goes to David Oldfield the cabinet maker.